

- The Unity Project by Brian Corvin -

The Unity Project is the second collection of poetry and verse that has been written and produced by the artist and poet, Brian Corvin.

The long anchor poem, which gives the book its title, was inspired by Abdul Baha (1844-1921) and it looks at where we have come from, what we need to do to help us fulfil our evolutionary potential, and how the process will affect us.

The author, Brian Corvin, was born in Dublin, Ireland, in 1937 but he considers himself a world citizen as, "the world is one country and mankind are its citizens". His first book of poems, The Dream Journey, took the best part of 50 years to produce. This one has taken five, which, Brian suggests, is progress of a kind.

Published in Ireland, in 2016, by The Manuscript Publisher. ISBN: 978-0-9576729-8-7.

On Sale Now!

The Unity Project by Brian Corvin is available to buy online, in print and e-book editions.

Signed copies of the print edition are available to purchase from this website, using the PayPal button below. RRP €10 including P&P - special price available exclusively from this website!

The print edition of The Unity Project is also on sale from a variety of bookshops and online retailers including Amazon, eBay, etc. and from the publisher's website - see The Manuscript Publisher.

e-Book Edition

The Unity Project by Brian Corvin is also available in e-book editions, through all the major e-publishing and distribution outlets including:

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If you have already purchased a copy, in print or e-book, please accept our thanks and gratitude. As you will no doubt be aware, The Unity Project is more than just a book: it outlines a vision for social change as our common humanity embarks on the next stage in our evolutionary potential. For these and other reasons, we would be most interested in receiving your views and feedback. You can do so using our visitor Guest Book, by contacting us privately or by leaving a review on your own website or blog.